Professor Wolfgang Teubert

(Curriculum vitae  - selected items)

Chair of Corpus Linguistics

University of Birmingham

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Higher Education

1971 Staatsexamen (in English and German language and literature) University of Heidelberg

1979 Dr. phil.  (thesis: Valenz des Substantivs), University of Heidelberg



1971          Researcher, Institut für Deutsche Sprache (IDS), Mannheim

1975          Head of Department of Research Facilities (IDS)

1993          Head of Department of Language Change (IDS)

1997          Head of Multilingual Research (IDS)

2000          Chair of Corpus Linguistics, University of Birmingham (UoB)


External examining

External examiner, Heriot Watt University, Translation and Interpretation (since 2005)

External examiner, University of Liverpool, Corpus linguistics (since 2007)

External examiner, Kings College London, German (since 2008)

Examiner in numerous PhD (and one Habilitation) projects, in Britain, France and Spain


Editorial Engagements

International Journal of Corpus Linguistics (Benjamins), founding editor (1996-2007), consulting editor (since 2008)

Corpus and Discourse [book series] (Continuum): co-editor

Studies in Corpus Linguistics (Benjamins): consulting editor

Dialogue Studies [book series] (Benjamins): editorial board

[Journal of] Languages in Contrast (Benjamins): editorial board

Journal of Literary Semantics (de Gruyter): editorial board


Visiting professorships

Communication University of China, Beijing (since 2004)

Yanshan University, Qinghuangdao (since 2005)

Henan Normal University, Xinxiang (since 2008)


Some recent publications

(2007) (with Anna Cermakova) Corpus Linguistics: A Short Introduction. London: Continuum (previously published as part of: M.A.K. Halliday, Wolfgang Teubert, Colin Yallop with Anna Cermakova [2004]: Lexicology and Corpus Linguistics. London: Continuum)

(2007) Sinclair, pattern grammar and the question of hatred, in International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, Vol. 12, 2, 223-248

(2007) (with Michael Hoey, Michael Stubbs and Michaela Mahlberg): Text, Discourse and Corpora. London: Continuum

(2007) (with Ramesh Krishnamurthy) (eds.) Corpus Linguistics (Critical Concepts in Linguistics. A Reader). 6 Vols. London: Routledge

(2007) Korpuslinguistik, Hermeneutik und die soziale Konstruktion der Wirklichkeit, Teil 1 und 2, in Sprachreport 3/2007, 19-24 und 4/2007 11-19

(2007) (ed.) Text Corpora and Multilingual Lexicography. Amsterdam: Benjamins (previously [2003] published as a Special Issue of the International Journal of Corpus Linguistics)

(2008) Some notes on the concept of cognitive linguistics, in: Andrea Gerbig and Oliver Mason (eds.): Language, People, Numbers: Corpus Linguistics and Society. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 61-84

(2008) What is the role of arguments?, in: Edda Weigand (ed.): Dialogue and Rhetoric. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 95-119

(2009) Die Enteignung des Diskurses und der Diskurs der Enteignung, in: Wolf-Andreas Liebert und Horst Schwinn (eds.): Mit Bezug auf Sprache. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 47 68

(2009) Zhang Ruihua: Interview with Wolfgang Teubert, in Beijing Journal of Foreign Languages 32, 84-93

(2009) Linguistique de corpus: un alternative, in Semen Vol. 27, 130-152

(forthcoming 2010) Meaning, Discourse and Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press