Dr Patricia Anne Odber de Baubeta

(Curriculum vitae – most relevant items)

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I          Higher Education


1978 M.A. First Class Honours in Hispanic Studies, with distinctions in spoken Spanish and Portuguese. Department of Hispanic Studies, University of Glasgow, Scotland.

1991 Ph.D., Church Discipline and Social Satire in Medieval Portugal. Department of Hispanic Studies, University of Glasgow, Scotland.


II         Principal Academic Posts

1981-1986 Permanent Full-Time Lecturer in Portuguese and Linguistics in the University of Birmingham.

1996-, Senior Lecturer in Hispanic Studies, University of Birmingham

2006-, Director of Cátedra Gil Vicente, University of Birmingham

2008-, Head of Department of Hispanic Studies, University of Birmingham.

2008-, Programme Lead of Hispanic Studies, University of Birmingham


III       Publications

i)          Authored Books

1. Inglês. Curso básico para portugueses. Language Course written by P.A. Odber de Baubeta, edited by S. Parkinson and A. de Brito. Consists of 2 books and three cassettes. IPU: Lucerne, 1990 (for the Círculo de Leitores), 388 pp. ISBN 972-42-0160-0 (vol.1). 972-42-0159-7 (obra completa).

2. Anticlerical Satire in Medieval Portuguese Literature, Lewiston / Queenston / Lampeter: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1992, 346 pp. ISBN 0-7734-9117-1.

3. Igreja, Pecado e Sátira Social na Idade Média Portuguesa. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, 1997. ISBN 972-27-0796-5 [Translation of the previous item commissioned and published by the most prestigious Portuguese publishing house]

4. The Anthology in Portugal. A New Approach to the History of Portuguese Literature in the Twentieth Century. Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien: Peter Lang, 2007. ISBN 978-3-03910-919-7

Accepted for publication by Legenda:

5. The History of Portuguese Literature in English Translation. The Medieval Galician Portuguese Lyric and the Theatre of Gil Vicente. ISBN 9781905981328. Due 2010

Accepted for publication by Peter Lang:

6. The Anthology in Portugal. Selected Essays. Manuscript due to be sent to publishers December 2009

Accepted for publication by The Edwin Mellen Press:

7. A Loaf of Bread… Aspects of Contemporary Advertising. With examples from Portugal, England, Italy, France, Spain, Germany, Uruguay.

Accepted for publication by Routledge

8. A Comprehensive Portuguese Grammar, due 2010-11.

ii)         Edited Books

1. Inglés. Curso básico para hispanohablantes. Language Course written by Dr Catherine Davies and edited by P.A. Odber de Baubeta and Josep-Antón Fernández. Consists of 2 books & 3 cassettes. IPU: Lucerne, 1990 (for the Círculo de Lectores), 389 pp. ISBN 84-226-3380-9 (tomo 1). ISBN 84-226-3382-5 (obra completa).

2. New Frontiers in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Scholarship. Como se fue el maestro: for Derek W. Lomax in Memoriam. Edited by Trevor J. Dadson, R. J. Oakley and P.A. Odber de Baubeta. Lewiston/Queenston/Lampeter: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1994, 573 pp. ISBN 0-7734-9117-1.

3. Theoretical Issues and Practical Cases in Portuguese-English Translation. Edited by P.A. Odber de Baubeta and Malcolm Coulthard. Lewiston /Queenston / Lampeter: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1996. ISBN 0-7734-8806-5.

4. The Knowledges of the Translator: From Literary Interpretation to Machine Classification. Edited by P.A. Odber de Baubeta and Malcolm Coulthard. Lewiston /Queenston /Lampeter: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1996. ISBN 0-7734-8826-X.

5. Actas del XII Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas. Tomo VII. Estudios Hispanoamericanos II. Edited by Patricia Anne Odber de Baubeta. Birmingham: University of Birmingham Press, 1998. ISBN 0-7044-1905-X.

6. Ondas do Mar de Vigo. Actas del Simposio Internacional sobre Lírica Medieval Gallego-Portuguesa celebrado en la Universidad de Birmingham en mayo de 1998. Edited by Patricia Anne Odber de Baubeta and Derek Flitter. Birmingham: University of Birmingham, Seminar of Galician Studies, 1998. ISBN 0-7044-1971-8.

7. Advertising and Identity in Europe: The I of the Beholder. Edited by Jackie Cannon, Robin Warner & Patricia Odber de Baubeta. Bristol: Intellect, 2000. ISBN 1-84150-037-2. [Paperback edition 2003. ISBN 1-84150-870-5].

iii)        Translations and translation-related activities

·      ‘The Madonna of the Graveyard’, by Fialho de Almeida, in The Anarchist Banker and Other Portuguese Stories: Volume I. Edited by Eugénio Lisboa. Manchester: Carcanet, 1997, 24-74. ISBN 1 85754 206 1.

·      ‘Maria Altinha’, by Manuel da Fonseca, in Professor Pfiglzz and His Strange Companion and Other Portuguese Stories: Volume II. Edited by Eugénio Lisboa. Manchester: Carcanet, 1997, 80-84. ISBN 1 85754 241 X.

·      ‘And She Said Nothing’, by David Mourão-Ferreira, in Professor Pfiglzz and His Strange Companion and Other Portuguese Stories: Volume II. Edited by Eugénio Lisboa. Manchester: Carcanet, 1997,149-184. ISBN 1 85754 241 X.

·      ‘The Police’, by Herberto Helder, in Professor Pfiglzz and His Strange Companion and Other Portuguese Stories: Volume II. Edited by Eugénio Lisboa. Manchester: Carcanet, 1997, 185-188. ISBN 1 85754 241 X.

Miguel Torga. The Creation of the World. Translated from the Portuguese by Patricia Odber de Baubeta, with Ivana Rangel Carlsen. Manchester: Carcanet, 2000. ISBN 1 85754 387 4.

Historical documentary material commissioned for inclusion in The Red Sea, Persian Gulf and Adjacent Lands, a volume in the series Portuguese Encounters with the World in the Age of the Discoveries, edited by John Villiers, to be published by Ashgate.

José Riço Direitinho, ‘Welcome! You will come into the dark’, ‘With a sad angel’s smile and a sombre gaze’; extract from Teresa Veiga’s ‘A Morte de um Jardineiro’ and assorted bio-bibliographical material, commissioned by the Instituto Nacional do Livro e das Bibliotecas for their in-house publications and dissemination abroad, July 2004.

Translation of short story by Agustina Bessa Luís,’Apenas um poeta manco’, presented at the Homage organised by Professor Arnaldo Saraiva, in the University of Porto, September 2004.

Rodrigo Guedes Carvalho, A Casa Quieta (chapters); José Riço Direitinho, story from Um Sorriso Inesperado; Ana Teresa Pereira, As lágrimas das coisas (chapters); Helder Macedo, Sem nome (chapters); articles by Francisco Bethencourt, for the Instituto Nacional do Livro e das Bibliotecas, July 2005.

Hélia Correira, ‘Sul’; Rute Beirante, ‘Claramente’; Catarina Fonseca, ‘O Albatroz’; Teolina Gersão, ‘O Leitor’; Rui Zinc, ‘Amanhã chegam as águas’; Jacinto Lucas Pires, ‘L’; Alexandre Andrade, ‘Alguns quartos de hotel em Itália’, in Teresa F.A. Alves, and Teresa Cid, Onde a Terra Acaba: Colectânea de Contos Portugueses / 2006.

Hunger Mountain, Fall 2006, translations of short stories ‘Sul’; by Hélia Correia and José Riço Direitinho, ‘Um Sorriso Inesperado’.

‘Dorothy’, short story by Hélia Correia, in Contos de Hélia Correia. Lisbon: Relógio d’Água, 2008, pp.103-110.

2008 Commissioned by the Direcção das Artes, Portuguese Ministry of Culture to translate sections of the catalogue accompanying the official Portuguese submission to the 11th International Architecture Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia.

2009 Commissioned by the Direcção das Artes, Portuguese Ministry of Culture, to revise the translations into English and Portuguese in the anthological volumes that constituted part of the official Portuguese submission to the 53rd International Art Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia

2009 (November) Member of the Society of Authors’ jury, with Fay Weldon, to award the Gulbenkian Prize for the best translation from Portuguese into English.

In preparation

Anthology of Portuguese women-authored short stories in English translation.

iv)        Chapters in Books

1. ‘Discovering advertising’, in Advertising and Identity in Europe: The I of the Beholder. Edited by Jackie Cannon, Patricia Anne Odber de Baubeta & Robin Warner. Bristol: Intellect, 2000, pp.93-100. ISBN 1-84150-037-2. [Paperback edition].

2. Fairy Tales and Feminism: New Approaches. Edited by Donald Haase. Detroit: Wayne State University Press (Series in Fairy Tale Studies), 2004, pp.127-145.Edited by Donald Haase. Detroit: Wayne State University Press (Series in Fairy Tale Studies), 2004, pp.127-145. ISBN 0-8143-3030-4.

3. ‘Portuguese Literature in English Translation’, in Companion to Portuguese Studies. Edited by Stephen Parkinson, Cláudia Pazos Alonso, T.F. Earle. Woodbridge: Tamesis, 2009, pp.202-213. ISBN 978-1-85566-194-3

v)         Conference Proceedings (a selection)

1. ‘On Translating Advertisements’, in Theoretical Issues and Practical Cases in Portuguese-English Translation. Edited by P.A. Odber de Baubeta and Malcolm Coulthard. Lewiston/Queenston/Lampeter: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1996, 157-180. ISBN 0-7734-8806-5.

2. ‘The Sir Henry Thomas Project: Towards A History of Portuguese Literature in English Translation’, Actas do I Congresso Internacional de Estudos Anglo-Portugueses. Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 6-8 May 2001. Lisboa: Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Centro de Estudos Anglo-Portugueses, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2001 [2003], pp.653-661. ISBN 972-8152-69-8.

3. ‘Gil Vicente in English Translation’, Gil Vicente 500 Depois. Actas do Congresso Internacional realizado pelo Centro de Estudos de Teatro da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa. II Volumes. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda (Temas Portugueses), 2003, Vol. II, pp.291-306. ISBN 972-27-1246-2.

4. ‘Censorship, Translation and the Anthology in the Estado Novo’, in Traduzir em Portugal durante o Estado Novo. V Colóquio de Estudos de Tradução realizado na Universidade Católica Portuguesa em 10 e 11 de Julho de 2008. Edited by Teresa Seruya, Maria Lin Moniz and Alexandra Assis Rosa. Lisboa: Universidade Católica Editora, 2009, pp.37-66. ISBN: 978-972-54-0238-2.


IV       Work in Progress 

Edited volumes

The Anthology in Portugal. Selected Essays.

The History Of Portuguese Literature In English Translation. Volume 2. Prose and Poetry and Drama up to 1800

The History Of Portuguese Literature In English Translation. Volume 3. The Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries.


V         Research Projects

1998-1999, in conjunction with Professor Nidia Hernández and Licenciada Selva Chirico, research into the social, economic and nursing history in fin-de-siècle Uruguay with a strong intercultural bias. This project culminated in the publication of Ana Packer: construyendo el saber y hacer enfermera, published by Trilce and launched by the authors and myself in Montevideo and Rivera in April 2004.

2000―, The Sir Henry Thomas Project: The History of Portuguese Literature in English Translation. P.A. Odber de Baubeta with Dr Helen Kelsh, Dr Manuela Carvalho and Sonia Pérez Villanueva. To date, 17 papers have been delivered in Birmingham, Bristol, London, Oxford, Coimbra, Oporto and Lisbon, Ribadeo (Galicia) and the University of Durban-Westville, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa (by video-conference); 13 papers have been published, and the first volume has been completed. Volumes 2 and 3 are currently in preparation. Contributors will include Dr Juliet Perkins (King’s College London), Professor Maria Leonor Machado de Sousa (Lisbon), Dr João Paulo Ascenso Pereira da Silva (Lisbon) Dr Manuela Carvalho (Lisbon), Dr Stephen Wilson (Coimbra) Professor Arnaldo Saraiva (Porto).

2004―, The Anthology in Portugal. An exploration of the role of anthologies in literary historiography, canon formation and intercultural transfer, focusing also on the question of female authorship, translation and censorship as well as ‘the lesser genres’, namely children’s literature and detective fiction. With the collaboration of a team of colleagues in the UK and Portugal (Universities of Lisbon and Oporto).

2006―, TETRA (A Tradução de Teatro e o Palco: para uma história da tradução teatral em Portugal, 1800 – 2009 / Translation, Theatre and the Portuguese Stage: Towards a History of Theatre Translation in Portugal, 1800 – 2009), a project based in the University of Lisbon and funded by the Fundação para a Tecnologia e Educação. I am one of 4 international advisers. The others are Christine Zurbach (Universidade de Évora), Raquel Merino (Universidad del País Vasco) and Sirkku Aaltonen (University of Vaasa).

2009―, Translation Consultant on the project Fernão Lopes – The Chronicles, which brings together a team of scholars from Portugal, the UK and the US who are producing annotated translations of and critical essays on the medieval Portuguese chronicler Fernão Lopes, funded by the Portuguese Book Institute and to be published by Boydell and Brewer.


VI       Examining

External Examination of Research Degrees and taught MPhils

1. 1990, MPhil (Spanish) at the University of Salford.

2. 1997, MA in European Languages and Culture 1994-1996, Brazilian Romantic Indianism as Colonial Discourse: a post-colonial analysis of José de Alencar’s O Guarani and Iracema, University of Manchester (Jane-Marie Collins).

3. 1997, MA in European Languages and Culture 1996-1997, Emigration and Dislocation in Ilse Losa’s novel Sob Céus Estranhos, University of Manchester (Marie-Christine de Lemos Vieira Schaden).

4. 1997, MA in European Languages and Culture 1996-1997, Ideal and Ideology: Female Nature and Destiny in La Regenta, O Primo Basílio and O Crime do Padre Amaro, University of Manchester (Mark Sabine).

5. 1998, PhD on The figure of the fallen woman in D.H. Lawrence and Jorge Amado submitted in the University of Warwick Graduate School (Sudha Swarnakar).

6. 2000, Member of jury convened to examine a PhD on Translation submitted in the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Gabriela Buescu).

7. 2001, PhD on A Study of the Pre-Exile Novels of Julio Cortázar, submitted in the University of Cambridge (Erik P.E. Lithander).

8. 2001, PhD on The Translator’s Discursive Presence in Translated Discourse: Machado de Assis: Five Novels in Multiple English Translations, submitted in the University of Warwick Graduate School (Válmi Hatje-Faggion).

9. 2001, PhD on Haunted by Memory: The Colonial Wars in Contemporary Portuguese Fiction, submitted in La Trobe University, Victoria, Australia (Isabel Moutinho).

10. 2002, Presided over jury convened for defence of Masters thesis on Carlos Martínez Moreno, submitted in the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (June 21) (Evelyn Aixalà Pozas).

11. 2002, Examiner for European doctorate, A (Dis)United Kingdom. The Discourse of British Tourism Promotion and its Translation into Spanish, submitted in the Departamento de Filología Anglogermánica y Francesa, Universidad de Oviedo (José Igor Prieto Arranz).

12. 2002, PhD on Translation and Adaptation Contrasted: the Search for Defining Principles in Portuguese Versions of Joan Aiken’s Fiction, submitted in University of Sheffield (30 July) (Cristina Sousa).

13. 2003, MPhil on La Mujer: rito de paso en la cuentística de Antonio Skármeta, submitted to Manchester Metropolitan University (12 December) (Maritza Carrasco Marchessi).

14. 2004, PhD on A neglected reconquest: Portugal as a European frontier 1080-1250, submitted to Monash University, Australia, January 2004 (Stephen Lay).

15. 2004, PhD on Women in the novels of Benito Pérez Galdós and Eça de Queirós, submitted to Sheffield University (21 April) (Patricia Scott).

16. 2004, PhD by publication on Indo-Portuguese Ceylon: History, Linguistics and Literature, submitted to the University of Westminster (6 July 2004) (Shihan Malkanthi Devika de Silva Jayasuriya).

17. 2004, MA Dissertation on Themes of Departure and Return in Azorean and Cape Verdean Narrative. Department of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies, King’s College London (September 2004) (Júlio Moreira).

18. 2004, PhD on The Chilean National Identity and the Indigenous Peoples of Chile, submitted to the University of Warwick (20 October 2004) (María Elena Donoso).

19. 2005, PhD on La Narrativa de Armonía Somers, submitted to the. University of Sheffield (28 October 2005) (Laura Musto).

20. 2006, PhD on Comparative Afro-American and Afro-Brazilian Text, submitted to the University of Bristol. (18 August 2006) (Florence Abena Siawa Marfo).

21. 2009, MA on ‘As if Charlotte had been Chilean’: An Examination of Translations of Jane Eyre into Spanish, submitted to the Centre for Translation and Comparative Cultural Studies, University of Warwick (Regina Akel).

VII      Supervision of theses for higher degrees


Ivete Milton (Autumn, 2007) From Concept To Practice: Learning The Subjunctive (Joint with John Klapper)

Dominic Smith. Corpus Linguistics: The speeches of Hugo Chavez (joint with Wolfgang Teubert)

David García Vidal, Contemporary Galician Theatre and National Identity


Suzan Bozkurt (Autumn 2006), The Short Stories of Teolinda Gersão.



1. Patricia Plaza, Translation in the Language-Teaching Classroom, January 1998.

2. Xose de Toro, Literature gallega y crítica literaria en la revista Nós (1920-1936), February 1998.

3. Evelyn Aixalà, The Narrative of Carlos Martínez Moreno (part time internal 2000-2001; external, registered in the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona 2001-2002). June 2002. Sobresaliente por unanimidad.

4. Ana Teresa Brízio Marques dos Santos, Three Translations of William Faulkner’s Sanctuary. Summer 2007.


1. Carmen Millán, Literary Translation in Galician: Appropriating James Joyce. April 1998.

2. Nicole Roberts, The Hispanic-Carribean: Unity and Diversity. A Comparative Study of the Contemporary Black Poetry of Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. June 1998.

3. Thornea Beckford, Elena Poniatowska and the Anxiety of Authorship. July 1998.

4. Electra Karidis, Towards an Interpretation of Reading: Elena Garro’s Short Stories as Theories of Themselves. April 2001.

5. Manuela Carvalho, Gil Vicente and the Mysteries and Moralities: A Comparative Study. May 2001.

6. Sandra de Jesús Mendes Gonçalves Tuna, Advertising in translation: the translation of cosmetics and perfume advertisements into Portuguese (external supervision for the University of Warwick). June 2004.

7. Maria Helena da Fonseca de Oliveira Rodrigues, O Ensino do Português em Macau: Uma abordagem Pós-Luso-Tropicalista. September 2004.

8. Cristina Água-Mel, The Construction of Identities in Portuguese Wine Advertising. May 2005.

9. Suzanne Carter, Fiction as Artefact: Metafictive Techniques in the Work of Rubem Fonseca. 2005.

10. Sandra Campos, A Matter of Becoming: The Dynamics of Identity in Lusophone African and Anglophone Caribbean Women’s Writing. July 2006.

11. Isabel Mateus, A Viagem de Miguel Torga. December 2006.

12. Sonia Pérez Villanueva, Vida y sucesos de la monja alférez, An Autobiography of the Golden Age (Joint with Dr Jonathan Thacker, Oxford). April 2008.

Postdoctoral Supervisions

2004-2005, Oversaw Dr José Lingna Nafafé’s postdoctoral project on Representations of Africa: Africa and the Outside World, for which he has been awarded the Bolsa Fernão Mendes Pinto by the Instituto Camões in Lisbon.

2009—, Dr Ana Raquel Lourenço Fernandes, Honorary Research Fellow in the School of Languages, Cultures, Art History and Music: ‘O conto na escrita de autoras contemporâneas inglesas e portuguesas como modo de construção de uma nova identidade: definindo e comparando o feminino na contemporaneidade’ / ‘The Short Story in Contemporary British and Portuguese Women’s Writing and the Construction of a New Identity: Defining and Comparing Women Nowadays’. Co-supervised with Professor Isabel Fernandes, University of Lisbon.


VIII    Administrative Duties and Experience

Current roles

·         Head of Department of Hispanic Studies

·         Director of Portuguese Studies and Cátedra Gil Vicente

·         Director of Quality for the School of Languages, Cultures, History of Art and Music

·         Director of Departmental Programme of Spanish for students from Business School, Economics and International Studies

Past roles

·         Acting Head of Department

·         Chair of Departmental Postgraduate Committee

·         Academic Adviser to International Students, University-wide


IX       Professional Activities and Public Output

Quality and Audit Training and Experience, National and International

1995-1996, HEFCE Subject Specialist Reviewer. Carried out visits to four institutions, University of Liverpool, University of Newcastle, University of Northumbria at Newcastle, King’s College London.

2002―, Because of the opportunities for observing good practice, in administration, research, teaching and learning, in other institutions, I underwent training as a QAA Subject Specialist Reviewer and took part in a two-day visit to the Department of Hispanic Studies in Royal Holloway College in Autumn 2003.

2006―, Invited by ANECA, Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de Calidad y Acreditación (The Spanish equivalent of the QAA) to take part in training (10-11 May) prior to carrying out a quality audit in the Universidad de Las Palmas, in November 2006. I am the only British academic to have been recommended by QAA for audit work in Spain.

2007― Invited by Head of Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, to sit on international panel to award Research Fellowship in the Centro de Estudos Anglo-Portugueses. Carried out evaluation and submitted report in September 2007.

2007― Invited to join an international panel of assessors chaired by Professor Susan Bassnett of the University of Warwick to evaluate performance of 18 government-funded research centres specialising in Languages and Literatures on behalf of the FCT, Portugal.

2008 —, Appointed as International Evaluator for ANECA (Spanish Quality Assurance Agency) for a period of 3 years, to sit on committee responsible for scrutinising all Masters Programmes in Spanish Universities. Three-year appointment. The only British academic to sit on an ANECA committee (only 3 foreign evaluators in all).

Gave a paper at the international conference La Internacionalización de las Universidades: La Aportación de la Evaluación en España, held at the Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo in Santander 6-8 July 2009 , with the participation of the Gemma Rauret, Director of ANECA; Karl Dittrich, Director of the Dutch Accreditation Agency; Fiona Crozier, Assistant Director, Development & Enhancement Group, QAA; Javier Bará, Director of the Catalan Quality Assurance Agency; Nick Harris (former head of QAA, European consultant on the Bologna Process); Tibor Szántó, Vice-President of ENQA; Guido Langouche, President of the Coimbra Group of Universities; Rolf Heusser, member of INQAAHE and President of the European Accreditation Consortium (ECA), mong others.

2009—, Appointed member of the Consejo Asesor de la ACSUG (Agencia para la Calidad del Sistema Universitario de Galicia), Spain.

2010—, Appointed a member of the AHRC Peer Review College, in the categories Humanities and International. Three-year appointment.

Consultancies and Assessorships

1995, Consultant for Minority Rights Group, No Longer Invisible: Afro-Latin Americans Today.

1997-2000, Consultant for Portugal 600, The Portuguese Arts Trust (contributed to Exchanging Words (1999).

2000, Consultant for the series Clássicos da Teoria da Tradução Antologia Bilingüe, Núcleo de Tradução, Centro de Comunicação e Tradução, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil, 2000.

2003- have acted as Academic Assessor for European Union Project Alban adjudicating research funding applications.

Reader for Cambridge UP, Oxford UP, The Edwin Mellen Press.

Past and Current Memberships and Editorial Boards

Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland

Board Member 2004-2007

Portuguese Coordinator for AHGBI Conference in Valencia, 2005

Associação Portuguesa de Literatura Comparada

European Society for Translation Studies

Associação Internacional de Lusitanistas

ABIL (Associação Britânica e Irlandesa de Lusófonos)

WISPS (Women in Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies)

Revista de Estudos Anglo-Portugueses, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal

Cadernos de Tradução, Universidade de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil.

Recent Research Grants

2005, Biblioteca Nacional de Lisboa/Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Small personal research grant to carry out research in the National Library for three months.